There are so many things we all love about American Girl, from the dolls to the accessories to the books and movies. But what about the people behind it all? Wouldn't it be cool to learn more about the people who dream up the dolls and their stories?
We are both big fans of Rebecca and love her stories. If you haven't picked up a Rebecca doll or any of her stories, check out our list of favorites here!
We thought it would be fun to talk with Jacqueline Dembar Greene, the author of the Rebecca books. We recently had the opportunity to have an extended conversation with Mrs. Greene and look forward to sharing it with you in this episode! She is such a nice lady! You can learn more about Mrs. Greene and her many books by visiting her website at
We also had fun in this episode talking with two friends that many of you know and love: Jasmine and Quinlyn. So, fans of American Girl, enjoy the interviews!
By the way, do you have friends and family members that love American Girls? Please tell them about our podcast! They can find it here or on iTunes at
Also, please write to us at Let us know who your favorite doll is and why. Also, let us know if you have an American Girl doll related question. We might just be able to read your e-mail or even interview you over the phone! That would be fun to meet you! Send us an e-mail today! Thanks!
Quick note: Would you like to be notified by e-mail each time we have a new episode published? Just click here and we'll do that! Your contact information is never shared with anyone. Ever. Period! P.S. It took longer to get this episode out than we originally planned. Christa is in Europe right now while Mia is home in the Chicago area. Here's a picture of Christa during a couple days of vacationing in London!
Another P.S. If you could hear from another author of American Girl books, who would you want? Answer our online poll to let us know. We'll see if we can get that interview in a future episode!
04: Girl Doll Talk interview with Jacqueline Dembar Greene, author of the Rebecca books