About Christa and Mia

Hello! Thank you for visiting our podcast website!

We are Christa and Mia, the hosts of The American Girl Doll Talk Podcast. Our podcast is where fans of American Girl Dolls around the world come to talk!

We have been neighbors and best friends for our entire lives! Since we were very young we became enthusiastic fans of American Girl dolls. In 2009 we started this podcast, which is available here on this website as well as on iTunes.

Over the years we have had the true privilege to talk with authors of American Girl doll books as well as leaders at American Girl headquarters. And just as importantly, we have had the joy of talking with many other fans of American Girl dolls from all over the world!

Here's a little more about each of us....


Christa lives near Chicago, Illinois. She is a Christian homeschooler who loves horseback riding, soccer, and playing with friends. She has two older brothers and often has one or more foster children in their home as well. She also loves to travel and has visited every contintent on the planet except for Antarctica.


Mia is also from the Chicago area. She is a Christian girl who is home educated. She has a sister and two brothers, including her youngest brother who was adopted from China. She greatly enjoys soccer, track, and horseback riding.

Thank you again for visiting our site! We would love to hear from you! Please contact us at girldolltalk@gmail.com!


  1. Wow, sounds like you girls have exciting lives. =)

  2. WOW TOO COOL! Sound like you have cool lives!!!!!!!
    Now, I need to follow you

  3. I love your podcast! It's so fun to listen to and you guys are really professional.
