Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lanie Mania! An Interview with Jane Kurtz, Author of the Lanie Books!

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So you know all about Lanie, the 2010 Girl of the Year®. But have you had a chance to read the books yet? We've read the first one and really enjoyed it!

We thought it would be fun to interview Jane Kurtz, the author of the Lanie books! In this interview you'll learn more about the author who worked with American Girl to dream up Lanie, Dakota, and the rest of the characters in the series. You'll also learn some insider facts you can find in the book, and some cool stories about Mrs. Kurtz life!

If you would like to learn more about Jane Kurtz, we invite you to visit her website and blog at

In this episode we also read some listener e-mail from Johanna and Regan!

By the way, do you have friends and family members that love American Girls? Please tell them about our podcast! They can find it here or on iTunes at

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Finally, please write to us at Let us know who your favorite doll is and why. Also, let us know if you have an American Girl doll related question. We might just be able to read your e-mail or even interview you over the phone! That would be fun to meet you! Send us an e-mail today! Thanks!

07: Lanie Mania! An Interview with Jane Kurtz, Author of the Lanie Books