Thursday, December 23, 2010

2011 Girl of the Year!

We are so excited to receive the press pack this week for next year's Girl of the Year! She is soooo beautiful. We'll have a podcast episode out about her really soon!

And we look forward to talking with you! Thank you for the many e-mails in recent weeks! We wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas!

Christa and Mia

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Take a Leap of Fun! A Short, Crazy Video Podcast

Hello American Girl fans!

Christa's brother Barrett works with Rocket Launch Media, which does cool web videos for small businesses. Anyway, he thought it would be fun to put together this crazy little clip for Girl Doll Talk.

We hope your summer is starting well! We should have our next audio podcast episode out next week. In the meantime, have a great day!

Take a Leap of Fun with Christa and Mia!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Do You Have a Question for Jodi Goldberg?

Hello girls! On Friday we're interviewing Jodi Goldberg from American Girl. She is the Editorial Director at AG so if it's published, chances are she is involved!

We have questions for her but want to get your voice in as well. What questions do you have for her?

Do you get the American Girl Magazine and have a question about it? What do you want to know about how books are designed or developed? She was heavily involved with the Kit movie so maybe you have a question about that?

Let us know and we'll try to get your question in! Thanks!

Your American Girl friends,

Christa and Mia

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We Want to Interview You!

Do you have an American Girl fan site? We would love to interview you!

Nearly every week we get requests from girls who want to be interviewed about their fan site. Which ones to pick? Well, how about a contest?

Just add your site to Girl Doll Talk's Top 10 American Girl Fan Sites! Each month we'll see whose sites are in the top 10 and select one or more to interview!

We'd love to let the world know about your site! Click here, add your site, and then let your fans know about the contest so they can vote for you!

We look forward to talking with you!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Interview with Mary Casanova, author of Jess, Chrissa, and Cecile!

Quick note: Would you like to be notified by e-mail each time we have a new episode published? Just click here and we'll do that! Your contact information is never shared with anyone. Ever. Period!

A couple months back we asked our listeners which author they would most like to hear from. Since Chrissa is so loved, it was no surprise that Mary Casanova, the author of the Chrissa and Jess books, ranked very high.

What did surprise us is how many other books Mrs. Casanova has written! She was so kind to send us an autographed copy of her book Cecile: Gates of Gold. Girls, as much as we love Chrissa... we like this book even more! Make sure to get your copy today!

Mrs. Casanova is a wonderful woman--so nice to interview! Don't miss some of the fun bloopers at the end of the episode!

If you would like to learn more about Mary Casanova, we invite you to visit her website and blog at

In this episode we also interview Hannah and Katie from AG Gossip Blog and a guy listener named Blake. Plus we read some listener e-mail!

Do you have friends and family members that love American Girls? Please tell them about our podcast! They can find it here or on iTunes at

And how about some Girl Doll Talk accessories? Check out our store!

Finally, please write to us at Let us know who your favorite doll is and why. Also, let us know if you have an American Girl doll related question. We might just be able to read your e-mail or even interview you over the phone! That would be fun to meet you! Send us an e-mail today! Thanks!

08: Interview with Mary Casanova, author of Jess, Chrissa, and Cecile!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Do You Have a Question for the Chrissa Author?

Mary Casanova--isn't she beautiful?Wow! We are SOOOOO excited about interviewing another author this Thursday! We're going to talk with Mary Casanova who wrote the Chrissa books! She also wrote the Jess book!

Do you have a question that you'd love for us to ask? Leave a comment here and we'll try to get an answer! The episode should go live before the start of next week!

Thanks for your help! Your American Girl friends,

Christa and Mia

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lanie Mania! An Interview with Jane Kurtz, Author of the Lanie Books!

Quick note: Would you like to be notified by e-mail each time we have a new episode published? Just click here and we'll do that! Your contact information is never shared with anyone. Ever. Period!

So you know all about Lanie, the 2010 Girl of the Year®. But have you had a chance to read the books yet? We've read the first one and really enjoyed it!

We thought it would be fun to interview Jane Kurtz, the author of the Lanie books! In this interview you'll learn more about the author who worked with American Girl to dream up Lanie, Dakota, and the rest of the characters in the series. You'll also learn some insider facts you can find in the book, and some cool stories about Mrs. Kurtz life!

If you would like to learn more about Jane Kurtz, we invite you to visit her website and blog at

In this episode we also read some listener e-mail from Johanna and Regan!

By the way, do you have friends and family members that love American Girls? Please tell them about our podcast! They can find it here or on iTunes at

And how about some Girl Doll Talk accessories? Check out our store!

Finally, please write to us at Let us know who your favorite doll is and why. Also, let us know if you have an American Girl doll related question. We might just be able to read your e-mail or even interview you over the phone! That would be fun to meet you! Send us an e-mail today! Thanks!

07: Lanie Mania! An Interview with Jane Kurtz, Author of the Lanie Books